Promotion Time!

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som3 loves shouting about a promotion!

Following the departure of Neil Bryers who is off to pastures new outside of recruitment, we are pleased to announce that Laura Monument has been promoted to Operations and Delivery Director.

Laura has been with som3 since the beginning and has worked with MD Steve Morrisey for over 23 years. As well as being a very experienced Recruiter, Laura has always carried out a variety of operational tasks including managing advertising budgets, contract management, tenders and RFIs, marketing, writing policies and procedures, HR, supplier management, analytics and reporting along with anything else that is thrown her way. Here at som3 she also supported Neil in his wider operational role – so this step up should be an easy transition.

Laura will also be picking up finance operations– supporting our accounts team in credit control and invoice management. She does love a good spreadsheet and pestering people for money, so this is right up her street.

This position will be alongside her day-to-day recruitment within our key clients, so som3 get the best of both worlds.

We wish Laura good luck in her new role!